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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Maternity wear...Problem..hm...

Salam'alaik lovelies..... Ada sihat ka??? Me sihat amat...rase2 check up 6th months esok berat naik lg ni! huhu...

Are you pregnant and very conscious about the clothes that you are wearing? Do you have the guts to wear Maternity clothes? Well, anda mesti!! You cannot wear those fitted and slim clothes that you used to wear before. You can wear maternity clothes that will turn off your consciousness into self confidence. If you were about to choose a maternity dress, choose the one, you know you are comfortable with, and the one that just looks like the one you were wearing before pregnancy but in a larger size now.

Lastnite, i went to Jusco..Jcard sale..hm saje jelah nak cari baju maternity...ye hegeh2 bukan...dah nak masuk 6months baru nak cari baju maternity...hehe...but..sadly said...huwaaaaaaaaaa...baju2 yang cantik2 sume xmuat perut...dusshh!!! camne ni???baju2 yang sedia ada pon ala2 dah ketat perut..another 3months to go babe...dalam 10 helai i've tried only 2 fit me well.. lain...x.......lengan dada sume cun jer...bab kat perut dah sesak...how big my tummy & baby gonna be while reaching 9th months nanti weh???????????

so...next...i shud find myself kain2 lycra ela2...mau jahit sendiri je baju maternity..(eh bukan den jahit...omak kesayangan den jahit..!) 3months ++ to go yeah...baju raya??? xyah pikir dulu...sah2 berpantang time raye..pakai kain batik jer cukup...yeke????hehehehe;p


  1. hehehe...esok pon jihan cekup jugak...memang byk baju kiter tak muat lg..dulu jihan pon pakai saiz M preggy ni jihan beli baju saiz L n XL!!...tapi insyaAllah muat n selesa try la saiz yg lebih besar rasanyer banyak baju maternity yang okey n saiz besar2 kt jusco tak susah nak cari..take care dear..;)

  2. hehe..dear...u XL ok lg..i ni plumpy mommy..XXL lah pilihan skg ni...harap2 after bersalin susut byk...nk kurus mcm zaman skola...;p tah smlm mcm xbyk choicelah...ke i dh gmuk sgt2..smpi gelak sorg2 dlm fitting room...hehe...jihan..take care too...esok update check up ye..hehehe...doa2 berat etty xmelambung2 naik...hehe;p

  3. hahaha...aku gi tau beraya ke rumah sepupu aku...tapi dekat2 tu la...operate so kuat la sikit nak jalan sebab tak terbukak tang tut....hahaha...tapi yg boleh mkn rendang ayam/daging + nasi impit SAHAJA...seksa weh....nasib baik sblm bersalin dah mkn lontong apa....hihihihi...nasib badan.....

  4. beli baju muslimah la etty...sedap pakai...selesa jah....

  5. huhu...tau xpe nad...raye thn ni lain sket a...aku leh kurus hahaha;p hm baju muslimah omak den de buat...hehe...tggu siap jer ha...dh dok lakar2 dh..
