Yup...i sgt2 malas mau update...huhu...dr pagi sambil2 buat keje i bloghop jer...hehehe...banyak je sebenarnya nak crite...but oohhh sgt2 malas...story2 basi last weekend....hehe...update pendek2 jer... Saturday...my bff mase kt Uitm Melaka got Married....Yey...happy married life sis Intan...sayang sgt2 kat akak...

Hope both of u happily ever after...happy for u guys....really....(",) then.............. Me & hubby singgah sebentar di Ikea....Apelagi makan saje........hehe....before this few time gi Ikea xpnah pon tringin nak makan2 kat sane....then trus je terjah...hehehe...

then...on Sunday...
Rase nak shopping membuak2....hehe....so before asar we went to Sogo...Sale gile2....tgk handbag...shoes....blouse....hui....banyaknye sale...& orang pon ramai yg amat.. Then i grabbed one pair of daily shoes & a blouse...sume pilihan suami...hehehe.....then my hubby turn plaklah nak shopping...try few pants Emmer Zegna (btol ke i eja??)...tup2 dia keluar tny nampak Handphone dia tak???? me??? of cozlah tidak...ayooooooooo....suspen...trus xjd shopping....naik2 trun cari try call few times...sampai habis battery phone i...call home tanya...but nada......nggak...huhu...hubby macam blur...xtau macamane leh ilang...xde rezeki....
then on Monday....
Dull day....hehehe...xleh nak Sms calling2 hubby...rase nak jerit jer....xleh lah life without phone...so terpakse FBing dgn die...hehehe.....manje....nak ngadu2 pon xleh....so.....that very evening....we went to Low Yat lah....then get him this...........

Ok dah...barulah leh manje2...hehe....k till then.....wasalam...
then on Monday....
Dull day....hehehe...xleh nak Sms calling2 hubby...rase nak jerit jer....xleh lah life without phone...so terpakse FBing dgn die...hehehe.....manje....nak ngadu2 pon xleh....so.....that very evening....we went to Low Yat lah....then get him this...........

chicken wing ikea yg lazat..mkn ngn kek daim je pung da ckup..hahahha
ReplyDeletehui tau xpe..slame ni xpnah2 nak gi mkn2...jln2 cr brg...my mum lah slalunye beli...hehehe...sedap xingt...panas2 plak tuh...nyum2...