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Friday, November 26, 2010

Hola....mood kembali ceria ('',)

Hai all...evening update from me...few minutes to go before go home...

I'm Fine....thank u soooo much....mostly family & frens yang tahu pasal problem i in previous post...ramai yang directly call or texted me...xsabor nak tau....hehehe...bikin gempak 1 Malaya je...hehe...nothing happen to me....juz curiosity menebal.....yelah...since married ni macam2 kite tahu & tahu...ye tak....after marriedlah baru kita tahu problem with our body right???? So back to my previous post as u'oll knows i've been sick few days...then something suddenly happen to me...i have minor blood spotting or blood clogs when i pee...yup...ketul2.......Ya Tuhan............................... i sangat2 takut that nite...mostly xnyenyak tdo tau....siap pagi esok baru bagitau my hubby.....

then on Tuesday monink...i story mori kat my mum she's X-nurse....huhu...so she suspect i miscarriage...............huwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.........mostly cried!!!! takot gile! dalam hati tetap kate xmungkin lah...since i blom pon missed my period...macam awal......hm.....so lunch time i gi clinic...doc check2 urine...slightly blood memang ade....but xleh detect ape2 coz i memang xrase sakit...........so dia juz bagi ubat lawas urine...(hehehe i xminum pon!) later on friday...which is today 2nd check up......

So, today....we went again to clinic...awal dah....hui ramai betol....kanak2 nak khatan...hehehe....cuti sekolahlah katakan....so my turn.......dup2 dup2......... doc lain ganti....hmmm...so i had to story mori again....then he said lets scan...so baru leh detect if there's something wrong inside...... so.....excited....hehe...macamlah preggy!lol......

Check kiri kanan atas bawah.....there's no problem at all...juz changing of hormones...hehe biaselah baru nak adjust pheromones & progesterone....hehe....my womb is just fine...no cyst no fibroid...no lemak2 degil sekitarnye....hehehe...i'm happy!!!!.....

Yes, I am.....Happy gile....sampaikan lupa nak bayar fees klinik...terpakse pusing balik lol! hahahaha...

Happy....walaupun sebenarnya i mengharap yang lain...yang penting my womb is just fine if one day ade rezeki i nak preggy.....Insyaallah...Moga2....one day i akan scan for baby plak.......

okay....thats all lovelies....Happy Weekend.....('',)



  1. insyaALLAH ada rezeki la nnti tu...jgn risau..teruskan usaha n tawakal..lagi satu kalau boleh jgn mkn mknn ringan mcm fast food n air bergas..cuba la...

  2. hai nad...insyaallah...usaha xhenti2...hui makanan mmg tempting hehehe...but mmg skg dh elakkan yg tajam2...air gas pon etty xminum sgt...tq nad...
