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Friday, April 24, 2015

What to Expect When You Are Expecting #3

Fuhh..bersawangnye rumah maketty ni...

Jumaat penuh barakah...
Penghulu hari..

Hari ni maketty nak share sumthing..
Alhamdulillah...we gonna be 5 hujung tahun ni..
I'm now 8weeks pregnant our 3rd baby..
OMG...cepatkan...what to expect when u r expecting sgt...hahaha

Rezeki Allah kami redha dan terima..
Ameer exsaited lah sebab dah pernah beradik..dan tau camne perut mommy slowly besar...dan dia ingat dia kne tinggal with my parent and suklin dia...esok baru gi tgk mommy...this story keep on berputar2 since dia tau i'm expecting new baby..my very smart boy!! he can recall exactly every single thing..hehe..I'm blessed..

While now adik..oh no more adik..haha...still cant wean off..most of da time still nursing day and nite..every hour exactly... tend to be more sensitive.. tak kena sikit terpeleot je..melalak je...orang nak beradik kan..haha... this is quiet challenging for me and hub..sebab amukan dia paling menjadi2 when sleeping time..haish...susu dah slowly drop....like mmg drop...but he still cant resist it..and kami masih blom sempat cari substitute milk for him..but of coz not fm.. this time mmg xmau try n error..sbb pengalaman handle fm mse ameer dulu sgt worst.. fm not suitable for abg...n i dont want to try for adly walau setitik pun...

So now...how am i doing???
Nausea...like all the time...yesterday accidentally vomit in our car while going back home...pheww...nasib baik de plastik bag..budak2 2 orang ni dah kecoh2...adly pon sebok2 nak jenguk2 mommy muntah..haha untah2?? hailah...body...bertabahlah...hope this phase end fast..

Please bare with me..becoz i'm maybe gonna be more like malas2an........haha...nak hapdate sikit2...my 3rd journey in pregnancies...

Doakan yang baik2 buat kami ya...
Love y'all...


  1. Congrats Mak Etty....ammbbooii potong line nampak...hehe..
    Have a wonderful 3rd pregnancy journey. Doakan akak juga...which is ontahbilo

    1. haha.....name pun xdijangka kak oi...haha........tulah amek perancang sekerat jln haha....next kene bebetul amek perancang...hehe

  2. mak etty... t.care dear. and congrat. happy2.. wish this time gegirl plak...

    1. tq yang...hopefully..moga2 de rejeki..hehe..penat aih layan 3 hero kat umah..if de geng mommy mst rajin cm mommy heeee;p

  3. PHEWIT.. congrats..ayra pon br aku Berjaya bg susu fm, tunggu wean off betul2 la. baru nak no 3..tp kat rumah mmg rijek, syok nya dah 3.. congrats again

    1. hehe..tq beb..aku xbg fm pon kat adly..maleh nak bancuh2..aku baru ajar susu kotak dutch lady kenet2 tu je..tu pon dia minum main2..penat mek..xterkata bdn xcukup rest ni..siyes lps ni xmau rapat2 dh...huhu
